Steinberg Cubase Elements 13
Cubase Elements 13 je poenostavljena različica vrhunskega snemalnega in ustvarjalnega programa Cubase. Vključuje vse, kar potrebujete za vaš domači studio.
- Do 48 avdio, 64 MIDI in 24 instrumentalnih sledi, 16 skupinskih kanalov, 8 kanalov za pošiljanje in 8 povratnih kanalov
- Največ 24 fizičnih vhodov in izhodov
- Up to 8 insert effects per channel
- 16 track-independent VST instruments
- Audio engine with internal 64-bit floating point processing and up to 192 kHz sample rate
- Includes the virtual instruments Iconica Sketch with orchestral sounds, Sampler Track, Flux, HALion Sonic, Groove Agent SE, Retrologue, Padshop, Verve and Trip with over 3000 sounds as well as 18 sample and loop packs from Beat Butcha & Sharooz, among others
- Effects suite with 45 audio effects such as VocalChain, Vocoder, Black Valve, EQ-P1A and EQ-M5, VoxComp and many more included
- Channel Tab in project window allows to tweak mixer channel settings without leaving the arrangement window
- Chord pads make it easy to find creative chord progressions
- Sampler Track enables extreme manipulation and powerful envelope creation thanks to Spectral Warp modes
- Tool for selection area and track display in key and drum editor
- Advanced MIDI Remote integration
- Prepoznavanje akordov iz zvoka v MIDI z "drag & drop" funkcijo
- Sample accurate volume automation
- MixConsole with internal basic Channel Strip
- Real-time pitch shifting and time-stretching
- Številna orodja, kot so chord track, chord pads in sampler track.
- Key, score and drum editors available as well as basic functions for score layout and note printing
- Jezikovna podpora: angleščina, nemščina, francoščina, japonščina, španščina, italijanščina, kitajščina, portugalščina, ruščina
Opomba: Licenca za programsko opremo brez nosilca podatkov, potreben je prenos - namestitveni medij ni vključen.
Sistemske zahteve:
- Veljavnost licence: trajna
- Aktivacija prek spleta
- Hkratne aktivacije: 3
- Windows: from 10 (64-Bit)
- Mac OS (64 Bit): od 12
- Min. moč procesorja: AMD Multicore, Apple Silicon, Intel Core i5
- RAM min. (GB): 8
- Min. prostor na trdem disku (GB): 55GB
- Min. resolucija: 1440 x 900
- Dodatne sistemske zahteve: Internetna povezava za namestitev in aktivacijo, ASIO-comp. Audiointerface (Windows)
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